Monday, September 1, 2008

Eunice Jane Baptism

Welcome to the Christian world “Eunice Jane”!

At last my wonderful blessing in my life is now a Christian. Being ac Christian is very important, because Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ - the Son of God - died to take the punishment that God considers that the world's population deserves for the wrong things we have done, so that anyone who makes a commitment to him and stops doing things they know to be wrong will no longer have to be punished by him themselves, but will enjoy eternity with him.

My baby was b
aptized last August 17, 2008. It’s almost 2 months preparing for it and we make it sure that things should be done perfectly for that day. Everyone was so excited and I was excited also preparing for her invitation cards and of course her christening souvenirs. As a proud mom I made the souvenirs by my own.

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